22th November 2022, Budapest, Corinthia Hotel
Hungary’s first Digital Health conference. Digital health conference for public and private health care, digital pharma, and manufacturers of digital medical products.
Digital Health Business Market + AI and ML+ Roche „real world evidence”, +
Data and Cyber Security + Health Gadgets +
Digital Health Venture + Pharma Digital +
Telemedicine +
Digital Health Sciences + Innovative Healthcare
MedTech executive with extensive experience in medical innovation. Proven track record in building commercial and marketing strategy and developing market access for innovative technologies.
Driven by passion to positively impact human lives with healthcare innovation and make a real difference in the way care is delivered worldwide.
dr. Boér Gábor mérnök, jogász és közgazdász. 2008-ban FH Würzburg - Schweinfurt szerzett mérnök diplomát. 2017-ben a Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetemen szerzett jogász diplomát. 2018-ban a Károli Gáspár Református Egyetemen szerzett bűnügyi szakjogász diplomát. 2019-ben a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetemen szerzett közgazdász diplomát. Pályafutása 2007-2010 F.S. Fehrer Automotive GmbH. - mérnök, gyárvezető. 2010-2017 Hidria Bausch Kft. - ügyvezető igazgató. 2017-2019 Domeic Zrt. – vezérigazgató. 2020-2021 Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma, Egészségügyi Fejlesztésekért Felelős Helyettes Államtitkár. 2021-2022 Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma, Egészségügyi Finanszírozásért és Fejlesztésért Felelős Helyettes Államtitkár. 2022-től Belügyminisztérium Egészségügyi Finanszírozásért és Fejlesztésért Felelős Helyettes Államtitkár
Bernd Grabner was born in 1975 and started his studies of law and business economics in Linz in 1993. Already during his studies he started working in the family owned wholesaling company in 1999, being in charge for an alternating range of operational tasks. Bernd Grabner became member of the board of GM Pharma in 2003. After the merger with Jacoby Pharmazeutika in July 2013, he now is member of the board of Jacoby GM Pharma and therein responsible for the divisions supplier relations, key account management for dispensing doctors and new business activities.
Dr. Ákos Kókai-Nagy is currently the Country Director of the Hungarian Affiliate of Biogen
pharmaceutical company since 2017. Also, he is a Board member of the Association of Innovative Pharmaceutical Manufacturers (AIPM) since 2017, and the elected President of the organization since
2020. Dr. Ákos Kókai-Nagy graduated from Semmelweis University and, after several further courses, he graduated in 2012 with an EMBA qualification from Purdue University International Master of Management. During his career, he has held management positions at several pharmaceutical companies both in Hungary and abroad, including since 2012 he has been the Managing Director of Astellas Pharma in Denmark.
Florian Lange´s mission is to decentralize, digitalize and democratize the
access to health solutions. A main target is hereby to deliver value to
healthcare organizations using innovation and industry expertise to elevate
patient outcomes safely
Florian joined Abbott in 2018 and has over 18 years of experience in the
industry with a deep knowledge of the international healthcare markets.
In his current role as Area Director Digital Health Solutions Europe Middle East
and Africa, he leads the operational teams with commercial and delivery
background, that serve more than 90 countries.
He has a proven records in the Medical Device and Healthcare IT arena with
high insights in ‘in vivo’ and ‘in vitro’ diagnostics, healthcare IT,
pharmaceutical automation, and distribution.
Florian is based in Germany
His passion outside of work are his family and friends, whilst enjoying together
numerous outdoor activities.
Anna is a strong believer in the possibility of driving better outcomes for patients by building strong
value-based partnerships to create healthcare ecosystem that maximizes the potential of digitization
and artificial intelligence.
She has 15+ years of experience across various Life Science companies having held multiple commercial
and management roles with digital transformation responsibilities at its core. She started her career in
the pharma industry in Poland and subsequently managed commercial aspects across Rx, OTC & medical
devices in the UK as well as across Northern Europe, leading end-to-end strategy development,
deploying customer engagement communication and leveraging AI tools and data analytics to maximize
In her recent role as Digital & Innovation Head at Novartis Poland, she partners with clinicians and
healthcare providers to understand key needs and pain points on the patient journey to identify and
deploy relevant digital health technologies improving outcomes for patients.
Meirav has a global experience in representing private investors, managing investments portfolios, building the foundations of start-ups, and monitoring companies’ progress. Meirav currently serves on the boards of Cardiacsense and Reddress. Previously Meirav had senior executive roles in the marketing, sales and finance areas in leading Israeli financial services companies: Madaness (Insurance), Prisma and Analyst (Asset Management). Meirav served as a Captain in the Israeli Air Force for 11 years. Meirav holds an BA of Economy and Communication from Tel-Aviv University, as well as a certificate of Board Directors from the IDC.
He holds degrees from Lajos Kossuth University, Loránd Eötvös University and Budapest Technical University. He has coordinated Hungarian medical IT developments in various positions since the introduction of EESZT. From February 1, 2022, he is the general manager of Health Informatics Service and Development Centre Nonprofit Ltd. (ESZFK). The non-profit organization’s primary objective is the development and operation of EESZT and other centralized healthcare IT systems. He is the author of multiple technical books and a regular speaker at healthcare IT conferences.
Gyöngyi Szedlay, PhD is an experienced leader in the field of clinical research and late-phase (Real-World Evidence) data collection in an international environment. She earned her PhD in pharmacogenomics at Eötvös Loránd University and after a 15-year academic career, she joined the clinical research team of Quintiles, currently IQVIA. In the following years, she worked in management positions at various levels and participated in the development of various novel innovative processes. In 2014, she joined the continuously growing Real-World Evidence division, where her main task was to establish the international remote monitoring unit. Today, as one of the leaders of the Real-World Evidence unit, she and her colleagues are responsible for process planning, monitoring and innovation.
Kuuno joined AstraZeneca in 2007 and has 20 years of experience in the industry with proven results in leading market access and business units in various therapeutic areas in Estonia, Baltics, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary, and also as a member of the leadership teams in Nordics and CEE region. Kuuno holds a Pharmacy Degree from Tartu University in Estonia.
Kuuno’s main mission is to secure all healthcare (HC) experts (patient organization groups, doctor associations, political decision makers, health insurance, hospital leaders, universities, medicines developers and other parties) are working in close collaboration securing continuously improved outcomes for patients.
He is especially focused on how can we optimize patient pathways via digitalization, automatization and data based decision making securing not only implementation of new medical guidelines in real clinical practice, but also HC sustainability.
As an experienced leader of innovative medicines developer Kuuno is doing all possible to build up x-functional teams to lead and drive innovation in all countries together with all HC partners.
Dr Istvan Valyi-Nagy received his Medical Doctor diploma from the Faculty of General Medicine, University of Debrecen, Hungary. He holds board certifications in internal medicine, clinical immunology-allergy, hematology and clinical oncology. He also has a Med. Habil. degree from the University of Debrecen. Currenty, he is the General Director of the Central Hospital of Southern Pest – National Institute of Hematology and Infectious Diseases (DPC-OHII). He received his Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Health Manager degrees after finishing his studies in the USA, France and England. As a researcher he spent five years at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA.
The main research interest of Dr. Valyi-Nagy is pharmeceutical and immunological personalized precision therapy based on molecular targeting. He is also involved in building structured data containing specific disease registries based on BigData databases and Artificial Intelligence evaluation. Over the course of the past two years of the coronavirus pandemic DPC-OHII has become the leading Hungarian center for the innovative research, development and innovation (R+D+I) and translational activities in Hungary in long standing partnership with its industrial partners Oncompass Medicine, Healthware and eHealth Solutions and experts of National eHealth Infrastructure (EESZT).
The 2nd Digital Health Summit was September 30th, 2021. We had 421 guests attended. The 1st Digital Health Summit was in February, 2020 with 397 attendees. And our DHS's little sister conference: Digital Health Essential was in 30th May, 2022 with 265 guests.
The Digital Health Summit brings together public and private health care, digital pharma, and manufacturers of digital medical products, venture capitalists ynd startups from around Hungary, to network, exchange ideas and to become more familiar with opportunities in Hungary. Our independent conference will become a significant event for many companies in the DH industry and is particularly important in Hungary given the explosion of business and entrepreneurship in the region.
Digital health is the convergence of digital technologies with health, healthcare, living, and society to enhance the efficiency of healthcare delivery and make medicines more personalized and precise. The discipline involves the use of information and communication technologies to help address the health problems and challenges faced by people under treatment. These technologies include both hardware and software solutions and services, including telemedicine, web-based analysis, email, mobile phones and applications, text messages, wearable devices, and clinic or remote monitoring sensors. Generally, digital health is concerned about the development of interconnected health systems to improve the use of computational technologies, smart devices, computational analysis techniques, and communication media to aid healthcare professionals and their clients manage illnesses and health risks, as well as promote health and wellbeing.
Digital health is a multi-disciplinary domain involving many stakeholders, including clinicians, researchers and scientists with a wide range of expertise in healthcare, engineering, social sciences, public health, health economics and data management.
AbbVie, Abbott Laboratories, Abbot Germany, AIRMID-MED, AIP Medical Holding, Aranyklinika, Amgen, Anamed, Angelini Pharma Magyarország, Arvali, Astrazeneca, Atlas Pharma, Bay Zoltán Alkalmazott Kutatási Közhasznú Nonprofit, Bausch Health Magyarország, Beckman Coulter Hungary, Braner és Társai Ügyvédi Iroda (Taylor Wessing), Belügyminisztérium, Berlin Chemie, Biogen, BioLife Plazma Hungary, Bird & Bird, Bismogel, BENU, Boehringer Ingelheim RCV Magyarországi Fióktelepe, Cashline Investments, Carbyne Consulting, Conpera Advisory, Dermus, DE KK Bõrgyógyászati Klinika, DP Innovations, Dr. Pintér Attila Ügyvédi Iroda, Debreceni Egyetem, Deloitte, Doktor24 Medicina, Édes Gyermekünk Alapítvány, Egis Gyógyszergyár, Egészségkalauz, eHealth Software Solutions, EitHealth InnoStars e V, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Természettudományi Kar Fizikai Intézet, EFM Egészségügyi Szolgáltató, ESZFK, Egészségügyi Technológia és Orvostechnikai Szállítók Egyesülete, E-Med4All Europe, eRAD, Erzsébet Gyógyszertár Budapest XX., EIRINI-MED, Euromedic International Hungária, Euromedic- Pharma, EVisit, Fitt Praxis,, Fodor Gyógyszertár Budapest XIV., Forgalmazók az Egészségért Szövetség,, Frontira design, Gamax Laboratory Solutions, Germus & Társai Ügyvédi Iroda, Groupama Biztosító, Hálózati Gyógyszertárak Szövetsége, HaOSZ, HARTMANN-RICO HUNGÁRIA, Házipatika, Healthware Tanácsadó, Health Business Kiadó és Tanácsadó, Hegymegi-Barakonyi és Fehérváry Baker & McKenzie Ügyvédi Iroda, Hetényi Ügyvédi Iroda, Hungaropharma, Humán Reprodukciós Nemzeti Laboratórium PTE, Hungarian Insider, HC eXpert, HCS Capital, Hunt&r, iBioScience, Infomix, Inspira Research, InnovITech, Ipsen Pharma Hungary, InterSystems GmbH., IBT Premier Consulting, IQUA, Jacsomedia, Janssen-Cilag, JOB, Johnson and Johnson, Kinepict, Konasoft, Kovács A. Tamás Ügyvédi Iroda, Lilly Hungária, LSS-Life Science Solutions, LogiNet Systems Informatikai és Fejlesztő, Mályvavirág Alapítvány, Magyar Szervátültetettek Szövetsége, Makronóm Mandiner, Mathias Corvinus Collegium Alapítvány, Medistance, Med-Econ Humán Szolgáltató, MEDISAVE, Megoldás Most, MediAd, Medipredict, Merck, MSD Pharma Hungary,, Nemzeti Egészségügyi és Orvosképzésért Alapítvány, New Medical Technologies, Neumann János Egyetem, Nemzeti Egészségügyi Kutatási Ügynökség Nonprofit, Népszava, Noé Egészségközpont, Nordic Moose, Normaland, Novartis Hungária, Novartis Poland, Novodata, NXP Semiconductors M.O, OGYÉI, Oracle Hungary, Országos Hematológiai és Infektológiai Intézet Transzlációs Medicina Kutatóközpont, OTP Egészségpénztár, Országos Kórházi Főigazgatóság, Oncompass, OnForge, Omron, Oriold & Társai, Ozen Consulting Hungary, PatikaPlus, Pearl Hungary, Pécsi Tudományegyetem, Pharma Cloud, Pharma Marketing Pirula, Monitoring Technologies, PharmaZone, Patika Management, Patika Tükör, Phoenix Pharma, PHOENIX Hungaria Holding, Planimeter, Pulsenmore, Pearl Hungary, PregHello, Richter Gedeon, Roche, Sanofi-Aventis, Safeholding, Sula Navigation, Swedish Orphan Biovitrum s.r.o Magyarországi Fióktelepe, Semmelweis Egyetem, Smartadnetwork, Smartware.Tech & WS, Stratis, Swixx Biopharma, Synlab, Szintézis-NET, Szinapszis, Szinter Press, Széchenyi István Egyetem, SZTE ÁOK Klinikai Mikrobiológiai Intézet, SZTE ÁOK Labormedicina Intézet, Teladoc Hungary, Telex, Turbine, Transitions, TRAFIK Production, Tritonlife, Ulyssys, QCG Consulting, QTICS Group, Valor Capital, Webbeteg, Wolf Theiss Faludi Ügyvédi Iroda (Attorneys-At-Law), Zuglói Egészségügyi Szolgálat, Webmark Europe, Wellbeing Szövetség, weCan Technology, Whitelab Reagens,, Zetapress
07.45- 08.33 Registation, breakfast, networking, expo
08.15 - 08.20 Opening - Rita Molnar (DHS, founder)
08.20 - 08.40 Digitalization of Hungarian pharmacists - We have explored the digitalization of doctors and both public and private healthcare systems, but spent less time with the pharmacists so far. The most recent study of Szinapszis provides information about the level of digitalization of pharmacy managers, pharmacists and pharmaceutical technical assistants (PTA). We explore how digital tools integrated into their everyday life and work so far, how they use digital communication channels, and what are the biggest challenges on the field of digitalization. - Balázs Kertész (Szinapszis)
08.41 - 09.01 Keynote: Digitalization in healthcare - quo vadis? - Bernd Grabner (Jacoby GM Pharma, Ausztria), powered by Hungaropharma (the presentation is in English)
09.02 - 09.22 Keynote: COVID-19 specific researches of the Translational Medicine Research Center of Central Hospital of Southern Pest – National Institute of Hematology and Infectious Diseases - Prof. István Vályi-Nagy, MD
09.23 - 09.43 Keynote: How Real-world evidence complement clinical trial data to provide 360-view of product performance pre- and post-launch - Szedlay Gyöngyi, PhD (IQVIA), powered by Roche
09.44 - 10.10 Keynote: Forging value-based partnerships to improve patient outcomes by accelerating adoption of artificial
intelligence in haematology - Anna Loughran (Novartis Poland) (the presentation is in English)
10.11 - 10.31 Keynote: EESZT is celebrating its 5th anniversary - Health IT developments from ePrescription to telemedicine - Bálint Szabó (ESZFK)
10.32 - 11.00 Coffee break, networking, expo
11.01 - 11.25 Keynote: From a vending machine to a decision engine, a roadmap for diagnostic transformation - Florian Lange (Abbott Germany) (the presentation is in English)
11.26 - 11.46 Keynote: #supplyofmedicine#digitaltransformation#timehascome - The importance of digital transformation in the supply of medicine: health-political, macroeconomic and corporate dimensions. Digitization as a strategic goal. The digital state of the domestic drug supply system, results and tasks need to be done. Factors encouraging and inhibiting the transition. Suggestions for accelerating the transformation. - Tamás Kaló (Phoenix Pharma)
11.47 - 12.07 Keynote: Invention and innovation in pharma industry – from AstraZeneca perspective - Béla Irás, MD (AstraZeneca)
12.08 - 12.28 Keynote: Pioneering Personalized & Digital Medicine in Neuroscience - Ákos Kókay-Nagy, MD (Biogen)
12.28 - 13.20 Lunch, networking
13.20 - 13.40 Data-intensive approach and artificial intelligence in present and future medicine - prof. István Csabai, PhD (ELTE)
13.41 - 14.01 Digital health applications on prescription? – A health economic perspective - European countries are looking to support broader patient access to innovative digital health solutions by actively developing related assessment approaches. Several health technology assessment frameworks have emerged over recent years to address the unique benefits and risk profiles of new classes of digital health technologies. The presentation will shed light on the current status of digital health technology assessment at a pan-European level and answer the question whether the German Digital Health Care Act can be a suitable model for other European countries, including Hungary. - Fruzsina Mezei (Medistance)
14.02 - 14.22 Aiming artificial intelligence against cancer - 2022 - Artificial intelligence is helping us to fight cancer in many areas from better diagnostics to accelerated drug discovery. In the next phase of precision oncology, AI-assisted oncologic treatment planning will enable us to standardize and automatize personalized treatment decisions. AI-based medical devices can lead us to evidence-based personalized medicine in the next chapter of medicine. - István Peták, MD (Oncompass)
14.23 - 14.43 Keynote: Strategic government objectives for e-health - Gábor Boér (Ministry of the Interior)
14.44 - 15.20 Keynote: Hungary's digital public health strategy, challenges and results - Zoltán Jenei (OKFŐ), Zsolt Kiss (NEAK), Moderator: Rita Koncsek (
15.21 - 15.50 Coffee break, networking, expo
15.51 - 16.30 Telemedicine - Majorosi Emese, MD (gp), Bálint Szabó (EESZT), Barnabás Szabó (77 Elektronika), Moderátor: Katalin Dózsa, MD (SE)
16.31 - 16.45 Support for medical image and data processing using artificial intelligence - Balázs Harangi (University of Debrecen)
16.45 - 17.00 Application of high-level artificial intelligence models in medical image and text processing - Róbert Lakatos (University of Debrecen)
17.00 - 17.15 habil. Győrffy Zsuzsa PhD (SE)
Master of cerenomy: Tamás Rákóczi (Novartis Hungary)
11.00 - 11.40 New partnerships to capture the Hungarian data opportunity: How can we unlock the potential of the massive existing Hungarian data universe? - Kuuno Vaher (Astrazeneca), János Pénzes, MD (Richter Gedeon), Matt Zeller (Novartis), Moderator: Kiss Zsófia (Oppenheim) (the discussion is in English)
11.41 - 11.51 Phygital patients of the future – what patients dream of? - Gergely Doszpod (Deloitte)
11.52 - 12.02 European Health Data Space – a cure for the symptoms of the GDPR - Bálint Halász (Bird & Bird LLP)
12.03 - 12.20 Legal challenges of applying artificial intelligence in the pharmaceutical and healthcare sector - Takácsi-Nagy Eszter (Kinstellar) és Nagy Dániel Endre (Kinstellar)
12.21 - 12.31 Synlab
12.32 - 13.25 Lunch
13.25 - 14.25 Real-world evidence and the future of evaluating innovative health technologies in Hungary - Gergő Merész (Department of Health Technology Assessment), Sándor Kovács (PTE), Judit Somogyi (IQVIA), moderator: Prof. Gábor L. Kovács, MD (National Laboratory on Human Reproduction)
14.26 - 15.05 Don’t Overlook Patient Needs During Digital Transformation Design & Delivery! - Rafaella Claudia Bondi (Roche), Ákos Kókai, MD (Biogen), Klára Marton, MD (Egis), Moderator: Balázs Rékassy, MD (the discussion is in English)
15.06 - 15.21 Simulating biology to provide the ideal therapy for every patient - Turbine is building a computational platform to understand cancer biology and provide novel therapies to the right patients. Our actively learning Simulated Cell™ platform can recapitulate disease biology on the cancer signaling level, thus enables pinpointing the right experiments to run. We believe that moving trial and error into simulations improves resource efficiency and guides on the shortest route to the patients, thereby leading to more successful clinical trials. - Tamás Török (Turbine)
Master of cerenomy: Ádám Molnár (Daxire Capital)
11.00 - 11.19 Current issues of the Hungarian health policy. Difficulties, challenges and potential solution of current and future trends. - Balázs Rékassy, MD
11.20 - 12.31 Med-tech investments in practice - Kővágó János (Széchenyi Tőkealap)
11.31 - 11.43 Digital healthtech application in 12 weeks? Possible! - Zsigmond Máriás (LogiNet Systems)
11.44 - 12.02 Digital innovation: cardiometabolic data collection - rethinking prevention and advanced patient care - Cardiovascular and metabolic diseases are still associated with high morbidity and mortality rates today. We have developed a complex cardiometabolic data entry and storage system through our own innovation. Number of medical diagnostic devices (ECG, echocardiography, Holter ECG, etc.) and medical software are connected to this system. Based on big data, several algorithms help the physician to provide quality and accurate care. The system is connected vertically to primary care and horizontally to outpatient care in other districts. - András Csaba Nagy, MD, PhD (Zuglói Egészségügyi Szolgálat)
12.02 - 12.14 Keynote: Expanding Telehealth Capabilities with Remote Ultrasound for Prenatal Care - Mira Sofer (Pulsenmore, Israel) Powered by Cashline Investments (the presentation is in English)
12.15 - 12.26 Keynote: A glance at the Israeli digital health ecosystem and the startup community - HCS Capital introduction - Israeli platform for international investors. A quick overview of the Israeli digital health ecosystem and the different players. Why Israel is an attractive location for multinational corporates – Israel ecosystem's key assets. The Israeli vibrant startup community and few examples of healthcare startups. How can founders and startups attract investments in a volatile market. - Meirav Shiri (HCS Capital, Israel), Powered by Cashline Investments (the presentation is in English)
12.27 - 13.24 Lunch, expo
13.24 - 14.10 Pharmacy digitization - Antal Feller (Hungaropharma), Zoltán Hankó (Magyar Gyógyszerészi Kamara), Tamás Kaló (Phoenix Pharma) Moderator: Anna Dankó (Népszava)
14.11 - 14.47 How to invest in the healthcare/medtech sector? - Ernő Duda (Solvo), Meirav Shiri (HCS Capital, Israel), Gergely Szűcs, PhD (Cashline Investments), Moderator: Barnabás Málnay (Smartware.Tech & WS) (the discussion is in English)
14.48 - 15.24 Digitization in private healthcare. Digital doctors and digital patients. - Attila Kovács Tamás (OTP Egészségpénztár), Fanni Straub (, Moderátor: Mezei Fruzsina (SOTE, Medistance Omron)
15.25 - 15.55 Coffee break, networking, expo
15.56 - 16.36 Health Startups roundtable - Attila Máté (eHealth Software Solutions, Krisztián Szigeti (Kinepict), Gergely Szikszay-Molnár (Dermus), Moderator: Tamás Ági (AstraZeneca)
16.37 - 16.45 PregHello - Nóra Németh (Preghello)
16.46 - 16.54 The privilege of long life - Dávid Seyed (Magyar Testnevelési-és Sporttudományi Egyetem)
16.55 - 17.04 - Németh Ákos (diagnostIQ)
Assistant Professor. ENT physician, Allergologyst. Spec. interest: Rhinology, Scull Base and OSAS
surgery. Head of the Rhinology of the ENT and Head Neck Surgery Department at University of
Szeged, Hungary, cofounder of the Endoscopic and Minimal Invasive Skull Base Team. General
Secretry of Hungarian Oto-Rhino and HNS Society, Board Member of the Hungarian Allergology and
Clinical Immunology Department. Hungarian delegate of the Europian Rhinological Society. The
founder and owner of the NOÉ Egészségközpont, Szeged Anno 2008. The cofounder of the Budai
Allergiaközpont. The president of Szeged Első Lions Club in 2020-22.
Raffaella Claudia Bondi is an experienced pharmaceutical executive, with 20+ years in marketing and commercial roles, across several health-related businesses. She has been working at Roche for nearly 20 years. From diagnostics via the pharmaceutical industry to diabetes care, she gained experiences in many areas. She began her career in Italy, her home country, then held various positions at the affiliate in Denmark. In Switzerland, she became responsible for the entire European region, since November 2021 she is the General Manager of Roche Hungary. Passionate about partnering for better patient outcomes. She’s committed to co-creating with different stakeholders across the Hungarian healthcare ecosystem to ensure sustainability, access as well as boost innovation.
A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia levelező tagja.
1989-ben szerzett biofizikus diplomát az Eötvös Loránd
Tudományegyetemen. 1992-ben szerzett doktori fokozatot. A doktori
értekezésének a címe: Neuronhálózat modellek vizsgálata és
alkalmazása. 2003-ban habilitált az ELTE-n. 2008-ban lett a Magyar
Tudományos Akadémia doktora. 2019-ben lett a Magyar Tudományos
Akadémia levelező tagja. 1992 és 2006 között több részletben
vendégkutató a Johns Hopkins Egyetemen, Baltimore-ban. 1993 és 2001
között a ELTE Bolyai Kollégium vezető tanára. 1992-ben egyetemi
tanársegéd kinevezést kapott az ELTE Atomfizikai Tanszékém. 1998-ban
egyetemi adjunktus lesz az ELTE Komplex Rendszerek Fizikája Tanszékén,
majd 2002-ben docensi kinevezést kap. 2009-től egyetemi tanár szintén
az ELTE Komplex Rendszerek Fizikája Tanszékén. 2010 és 2011 között
látogató professzor a The John Hopkins Egyetemen. 2015-ben az ELTE
Fizikai Intézet professzor tanács elnökévé választották. Csabai István
kutatásai a fotometrikus vöröseltolódások meghatározása, az univerzum
nagyskálás szerkezetére fókuszálnak. Ezenfelül éredklődik a nagy,
komplex tudományos adatbázisok fejlesztése a modern számítástudomány
eszközeivel, virtuális obszervatóriumok iránt is. Mindemellett
kutatási területei közé tartozik a nagy mennyiségű tudományos adat
statisztikai elemzése, adatbányászat, mesterséges intelligencia, a
komplex rendszerek és komplex hálózatok vizsgálata, számítógépes-,
szociális- és pénzügyi hálózatok elemzése, a bioinformatika, új
generációs génszekvenálási adatok elemzése, és a rák-genomika.
Újságíró-egészségügyi szakmenedzser. Az utóbbi szakmámhoz a diplomát a Semmelweis Egyetem közszolgálati karán szereztem 2005-ben. Harmincöt éve írok újságot. A pályakezdés első néhány évének kivételével, amit a Magyar Ifjúság című és a kollégámmal Katona Józseffel alapított közös lapnál a 424 című hetilap töltöttem, mindig napilapnál (Mai Nap, Népszava, Népszabadság, Népszava) dolgoztam, dolgozom. Voltam kormányzati tudósító, politikai újságíró végül egészségügyi szakújságíró lettem. A napi munkámban a hírvadászat jól meg fér kedvenc műfajommal a riporttal. Az utóbbi évtizedekben főként egészséggazdasággal, egészségpolitikával foglalkozom. Az egészségügyből az orvos-beteg kapcsolata, az információs aszimmetria bontása, a kommunikáció foglalkoztat. A napilapos „pörgés mellett” szerkesztettem gyermeklapot, életmódmagazint és két rangos gyógyszeripari szaklap ( Pharmamarketing, Marketing Pirula) vezető szerkesztőjeként is kipróbálhattam magam.
Gergely Doszpod is a senior consultant at Deloitte since 2020. Throughout his carrier, he has worked on the implementation of several digital solutions, starting from concept design until system implementation. Currently he is working on SAP implementation related projects as functional consultant. Gergely studied at Corvinus University of Budapest and CEMS, working as a consultant since 2017 at home and abroad.
Dr. Dózsa Katalin Mária 1999-ben végzett a Semmelweis Orvostudományi Egyetem Általános
Orvostudományi Karán. Egészségügyi szakmenedzser másoddiplomát szerzett 2002-ben.
Háziorvostan szakorvos, majd diabetológiai licenc képesítést szerzett, jelenleg főállásban
családorvosként dolgozik. 2011-2014-ig az Egészségügyért Felelős Államtitkárságon dolgozott
titkárságvezetőként, majd politikai tanácsadóként. Utóbbi tevékenység részeként az ágazat
humán erőforrás helyzetének elemzésében, a 2012-es ágazati bértárgyalások koordinálásában,
az SH8/1 Svájci-Magyar Alapellátás-fejlesztési Modellrogram szakmai felügyeletében vett részt.
2013-2014-ben az Alapellátás megerősítésének stratégiai tervét készítette el az akkori
kormányzat számára. 2015-től a Semmelweis Egyetem EMK tudományos munkatársa. Kutatási
területe a háziorvosi alapellátás evidencia alapú fejlesztése, a praxisközösségi programok
értékelése, a klinikai irányelvek gyakorlatba ültetése, a krónikus nem-fertőző betegségek
társadalmi terheinek mérése. A Magyar Diabetes Társaság Családorvosi Munkacsoportjának
vezetőségi tagja, a Háziorvosok Online Szövetségének vezetőségi tagja, a Családorvos Kutatók
Országos Szövetségének tagja, Pátyon oktató családorvosi praxist vezet. Publikációi az IME, a
Diabetologia Hungarica, a Cardiologia Hungarica, valamint a Primary Health Care Research &
Development-ben jelentek meg eddig.
He is a serial entrepreneur and investor, he has founded or co-founded over two dozen companies. He’s the founder and CEO of Solvo Biotechnology, the largest biotech company in Hungary. He is the founder and president of the Hungarian Biotech Association and of Medipredict, a company in the personalized health prevention and prediction field. He is an investor in 20+ startups and focuses on early stage companies in the areas of life sciences/medtech/AI/blockchain. He is an associate professor at the University of Szeged since 2003, where he teaches Biotechnology and Entrepreneurship and he also gives lectures at the Aquincum Institute of Technology. He is the founder of a school in Szeged, called Szikra. Szikra is a practical and experience-centered nonprofit institution, its goal is to become a world class primary and secondary school.
Dr. Feller Antal 1986-ban szerezte doktorátusát a Budapesti Műszaki Egyetem Vegyészmérnöki Karán. Az Egis Gyógyszergyárnál folytatott kutatói munkáját követően piaci elemzőként dolgozott. 1999-ben szerződött a Hungaropharma Gyógyszerkereskedelmi Zrt.-hez, melyet 2010 óta vezérigazgatóként irányít. Dr. Feller Antal a Gyógyszer-nagykereskedők Szövetségének elnöke, 2021-ben pedig az Európai Gyógyszer-nagykereskedők Szövetségének (GIRP) igazgatósági tagjává választották, ahol a kis és közepes országok szövetségeit tömörítő szekciót képviseli, ezen felül tagja a GIRP gazdasági és szociális ügyekkel foglalkozó bizottságának, valamint a szállítási lánc megoldásokkal foglalkozó tanácsadó testületnek.
I am a researcher sociologist, with a PhD degree in Psychology and Habilitation in Health Sciences. In my professional life I attempt to combine the experiences and knowledges of all these scientific areas. I’m the leader of the Semmelweis University Digital Health Research Group.
My fascination with the digital transition began around 2010. As a researcher of medical sociology, my motto has always been: “A person’s zip code is more relevant than their genetic code” – which means that analysing the cultural relevance of the questions raised by digital issues are just as important for me as the technology behind it.
Since 2019 I’ve been the Head of the Behavioural Science in Digital Health working group at Semmelweis University. Our research activities are geared towards investigating how physicians and patients use digital health solutions, what advantages and disadvantages they have by implementing and operating such technologies and how all this shapes their roles and relationships. We also investigate the conditions required for the successful implementation of digital health opportunities from a societal, medical and patient perspective.
Bálint Halász is Partner and Co-Head of Bird & Bird’s Budapest office, where he heads the IT, Data and IP practices. Bálint and his team regularly advise a diverse group of Life Sciences and Healthcare clients on a variety of issues, including data governance, data protection, patent litigation, IP strategy, licensing and e-health matters. His team has extensive experience in digital business transformation projects. Bálint also has a degree in Computer Science.
1977-79 között közforgalmú gyógyszertárban (Salgótarján), 1982-ig kórházi gyógyszertárban (Kerepestarcsa), 1990-ig galenusi laborban (Pest megyei Gyógyszertári Központ) beosztott, illetve részlegvezető gyógyszerész. 1997-ig a Pharmafontana kiadói tevékenységért felelős főmunkatársa, osztályvezetője, majd patikaprivatizációért felelős privatizációs igazgatója. Ezt követően az MGYT kiadói tevékenységének vezetője. 1991-től a Gyógyszerészet felelős szerkesztője. Első felelős szerkesztője a Gyógyszerészi Hírlapnak (1989-1991) és a Gyógyszertárnak (2001-2007). 1995-től alelnöke, majd 1998-tól 2007-ig elnökségi tagja a MOSZ-nak.
Az MGYK elnökségi tagja 1998-2000 között, Pest megyei Szervezetének elnökségi tagja 2002-2006 között, az MGYK alelnöke 2007-től, elnöke 2011-től. 2015-ben elnöki pozíciójában újraválasztották.
Feleségével 1992-ben jogelőd nélküli magángyógyszertárat létesít. Két felnőtt gyermeke és öt unokája van. Felesége, gyermekei és gyermekeinek házastársai valamennyien gyógyszerészek.
In 2010, Dr. Balázs Harangi obtained his MSc degree in Computer Scientist at the Faculty of Informatics of the University of Debrecen. He obtained his Ph.D degree in 2015 (habilitation in 2021), the topic of his related dissertation was medical image processing. He is a member of several scientific organizations, such as the international IEEE organization, the János Neumann Society of Computer Science and the Society of Hungarian Image Processors and Shape Recognizers. He is the author or co-author of numerous scientific works, the number of independent citations is 816, and his H-index is 13. His primary research topics include areas such as medical image processing, texture analysis, machine learning systems and artificial intelligence (deep learning).
Béla Irás MD, leader of the medical department of AstraZeneca in Hungary on the field of respiratory
and immune diseases. With several decades career in pharma industry I could gain significant
experiences on R&D and medical work of the pharma industry.
1964-ben született Tabon, közgazdász végzettségű. 1988-1996 között a Somogy Megyei Rendőr-főkapitányságon dolgozott, legmagasabb beosztásban gazdasági igazgatóként. 1996-tól 2002-ig az Országos Rendőr-főkapitányság gazdasági főigazgatója volt. 2002-től négy évig helyettes államtitkár volt a Belügyminisztériumban. 2007-2011 között az Országos Igazságszolgáltatási Tanács Hivatalának gazdasági hivatalvezető-helyettese. 2011-2012 a Közigazgatási és Elektronikus Közszolgáltatások Központi Hivatalában gazdasági elnökhelyettes volt. 2012-2015 Kormányzati Informatikai Fejlesztési Ügynökség gazdasági elnökhelyettese. 2015-2020 között Pécsi Tudományegyetem kancellári posztját töltötte be. 2020 vége óta országos kórház-főigazgató
Tamás Kaló is the COO and Sales Director of PHOENIX Pharma Zrt, and Vice President of the Hungarian Association of Pharmaceutical Wholesalers.
Tamás graduated in 1995 in economics and has been working for PHOENIX since 1996. He supported the activities of PHOENIX Hungary as Financial Director between 2002-2020, during the time the Company became the market leader wholesaler partner of the Hungarian pharmacies. He took over the duties of Chief Operating Officer and Sales Director in 2020, focusing on innovative services for customers in the pharmaceutical supply chain. He considers an important task to support the digital development of the sector, in which the wholesale industry – directly linked with the pharmaceutical industry, pharmacies and hospitals – plays a key role. By the digital improvement of logistics, sales and administrative processes of the pharmaceutical supply chain, patients can have faster, safer and more efficient access to the medicines they need, and to important healthcare products, that prevent diseases.
Balázs has an MA in Economics and works for Szinapszis from the beginning as the professional leader of researches, also responsible for internal innovation and international relationships. Balázs is a developer Szinapszis’ branded pharmaceutical solutions and research models. Main research areas: sales force effectiveness, pharmaceutical targeting, segmentation, KOL mapping, price sensitivity tests, MCM and digital transition in the pharma industry. Presenter on various Hungarian and International conferences, member end representative of Szinapszis in the European market research associations (ESOMAR, EphMRA).
Zsófia Kiss works at Oppenheim Law Firm in the IP/IT practice group. She has professional expertise
in the field of data protection and commercial law. Besides the general data protection related
matters, she often gives advices in connection with the processing of health data. In addition to
Hungarian, Zsófi also speaks fluent English and German.
2018-tól Kiss Zsolt a NEAK főigazgatója. Villamos Üzemmérnöki végzettséget a Kandó Kálmán Műszaki Főiskolán és közgazdász diplomát szerzett a Budapesti Közgazdaságtudományi Egyetemen. 1996-tól 3 évig a Országos Egészségbiztosítási Pénztár, Gyógyító-Megelőző Ellátási Főosztályon megbízási szerződéses jogviszonnyal dolgozik. 1999-től 2002-ig osztályvezető, majd 2002-től 9 évig ugyanitt főosztály vezető lesz. 2011-től 2014 ig a Stratégiai Elemzési Főosztály vezetője. 2014-től 17-ig a Stratégiai és szakigazgatási főigazgató-helyettese. 2017-től a NEAK főigazgató-helyettese lesz, amit 2018-tól irányit is.
She has been working in the media since 1996. She was a reporter and editor on
public television for sixteen years. After the birth of her child, she worked for various
online platforms and print media, including Figyelő, Origó and Világgazdaság, and is
now a journalist for He specializes in healthcare. He led panel discussions on
health topics at several professional conferences.
Prof. Dr. Gábor L. Kovács graduated from the Medical School of University of Pecs in 1972, specialized in laboratory medicine and in neuroendocrinology. He is the member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Until 2013, he was the chair of the Institute of Laboratory Medicine and the senior vice rector of the University of Pecs responsible for science and innovation. Later he became the founding president of the Szentágothai Research Centre of the University. Dr. Kovacs is the past president of the Doctoral Council of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the vice-president of the Medical Section of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. His current scientific interest lies in the innovative diagnostic biomarker research of human reproduction. Currently he is the scientific leader of the National Laboratory on Human Reproduction. His publications were cited over 6400 times in the international scientific literature. Honoring his professional and scientific activities he received numerous awards, including the Széchenyi Award.
Sándor Kovács graduated as a biologist from Eötvös Loránd University in 2006. Since then, he has
worked in various departments of the University of Pécs, initially in basic research, and since 2016 in
the field of healthcare and management. He obtained his master’s degree in Health Policy, Planning
and Financing in 2018. He then joined the Syreon Research Institute part-time as a health economist.
From 2020 he has been leading the data analysis team at the Centre for Health Technology
Assessment and from 2021 he is head of Technology and Data Asset Management Department at
University of Pécs. He is focusing on novel areas of health technology assessment like mHealth,
eHealth and the integration and assessment of digital health technologies in patient care, and the
secondary utilization of healthcare data.
A Pécsi Egyetemen 2003-ban szerzett közgazdasági diplomát pénzügyi eszközök és intézmények szakon, melyet követően másfél évet dolgozott pénzügyi területen, majd átkerült az Országos Egészségbiztosítási Pénztárhoz, ahol kezdetben osztályvezetői minőségben a kiemelten nagy értékű gyógyszerekért volt felelős. Néhány év elteltével a Gyógyszerügyi Főosztály Finanszírozási és Statisztikai főosztályvezető-helyettesévé nevezték ki, ahol az Országos Egészségbiztosítási Pénztárnál végzett munkája elismeréseként 2008-ban „Szent Kristóf“ díjban részesült. Az OEP-nél töltött évek alatt az Európai Bizottság munkájába bekapcsolódva Magyarország szakmai érdekképviseletében is részt vett és a nevéhez fűződik az első országtanulmány készítése is, mely Magyarország gyógyszer finanszírozásáról szól. 2010 óta az OTP Egészségpénztár értékesítési és marketing-kommunikációs igazgatója, és 2020 decembere óta pedig ügyvezető igazgató a Pénztárnál. Számos olyan fejlesztés és eredmény köthető tevékenységéhez, mint például az online feltöltés/befizetés bevezetése, vagy a Big Data elemzésen alapuló automatikus kommunikáció kialakítása. Az elmúlt időszakban pedig a Pénztár digitalizációs valamint szervezeti és személyzeti hatékonyságra vonatkozó stratégiáját dolgozta ki. 2006 óta regisztrált mérlegképes könyvelő, sőt ezen túlmenően 2012 és 2014 között megszerezte második diplomáját is Szent István Egyetem Gazdaság- és Társadalomtudományi Karán, Egészségügyi gazdálkodási és stratégiai specialista szakon. Jelenleg a Magyar Egészségkommunikációs Egyesület és a Magyar Egészség-gazdaságtani Társaság tagja.
With a 25-year investment banking background he has been lead advisor on several public and private corporate finance transactions (IPOs and M&A advisory projects). He has extensive experience and has closed several international transactions in the following industry sectors: automation companies, software, MedTech and "BPO/outsourced services". Over the past decade, he has also worked for major international companies such as Daiwa Securities, ING Barings, Nomura Securities, Citibank, Egis Pharmaceuticals and Grant Thornton.
In 2015, Róbert Lakatos obtained a BSc Computer Science Engineer and in 2019, MSc Computer Scientist degrees at the Faculty of Informatics of the University of Debrecen. He started his career as a software developer. From 2020, as a demonstrator and researcher at the University of Debrecen's Informatics Doctoral School, as well as a senior data analyst at the National Data Assets Agency. Furthermore, from 2021, he works as a scholarship researcher and expert developer at the National Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. His research field is the optimization of machine learning models.
Dr. Emese Majorosi graduated from the Faculty of General Medicine, Semmelweis University of
Medicine in 1991, and in 1995 he obtained the family medicine license exam. Her experiences in
primary care drew his attention to the importance of education of patients, so she obtained an
advanced communication degree in 2000 and an MBA degree in 2011. Several years of innovative
pharmaceutical industry and health communication led to the position of communications director of
the second largest telecommunications company, Telenor, where he first encountered e-health
solutions. For several years, she worked as a chief health consultant in the "Professional
Methodological Development of the Health Care System"project. In 2016, she educated in lifestyle
medicine at Harvard University, which knowledge she uses at home as the editor of the first
Hungarian textbook of lifestyle medicine. She is currently a general practitioner in Budapest, the
head of the district practice community, and a WHO consultant.
Barnabás Málnay is partner at the hardware and IoT startup accelerator Smartware.Tech and business developer at the European digital innovation and international business development organization EIT Digital. He has been managing director at the Hungarian Mobility and Multimedia Cluster since 2011 and partner at early-stage startup advisory and investment formation White Summers Cofounder since 2014. Earlier, he was business development director at AVEC, a startup accelerator launched by one of Hungary’s largest VC groups, the DayOne-PortfoLion Group; director of external relations and development at Kitchen Budapest, Magyar Telekom’s innovation lab; and senior advisor at Magyar Telekom’s Innovation and Business Development Directorate. He studied social and political theory at ELTE and CEU in Budapest, and at Stanford University, where he also worked as a teaching assistant and instructor in various teaching programs.
I graduated as a programmer mathematician at ELTE in 2007, but I always wanted to be an entrepreneur, so immediately after graduating I founded my company, LogiNet, which I have developed over the past 15 years from a 2-person garage company to a 100-person group of companies.
At LogiNet besides being an end-to-end software development company we also have a 10-person UX agency - We provide solutions primarily in the e-commerce field for our clients (Phoenix Pharma, Penguin Pharmacy, Vodafone, Auchan or Mountex).
Apart from my managing director role the most important area I am still actively involved in is product development and innovation. In addition to business development, I have maintained my interest in technology, which I have put to good use as a university lecturer and as a regular speaker at events.
Klára Marton, MD is the Business Development Director of Egis Pharmaceuticals PLC /owned by Servier/, one of the leading generic pharmaceutical companies in the CEE and CIS regions with activities extending from research and development, active ingredient and finished product pharmaceutical production to sales and marketing. Her priorities at Egis is leading international strategic business development, defining mid- and long-term pipeline consists of value-added products, commodity generics, biosimilar products, hard-to-make generics, products with intellectual property advantage, medical devices and digital patient solutions. She is also responsible for licensing-in and strategic partnerships. Under her leadership the early involvement of customer insight in business development, especially patient insight has been established. She is the Vice Chair of the Value Added Sector Group of Medicines for Europe, which represents pharmaceutical companies in Europe and is the voice of the generic, biosimilar and value added industries. Before Egis she worked as a Business Unit Director with responsibilities ranging from marketing, sales to market access covering several therapeutic fields (prescription products and media driven portfolio as well) at GSK, Sanofi-Aventis in Budapest. Earlier she held commercial positions at multinational innovative companies in Hungary and consulting company in the US. She is a Medical Doctor and holds a Master of Business Administration degree.
He received his law degree from the Faculty of Law of the University of Miskolc in 2001, and in 2012
he received his master degree from Faculty of Health Scienses of Semmelweis University. Between
2015-2018 she led the eHealth working group of the IT Pro Society Association, between 2016-2017
he was an innovation and IT advisor of the Healthy Budapest Programme, and he was an expert of
the Health Industry Development Strategy of the Digital Success Programme. In 2004 he founded
ReMark Solution Selling Ltd., currently a consultancy company, and in 2010 he transformed eHealth
Software Solutions Ltd., which he owns and manages, into a software development company.
Customers of his companies include national medical institutions, hospitals, central healthcare
institutions, multinational and Hungarian healthcare corporations and domestic start-ups. eHealth
company has developed and operates four national disease registries and it is an accredited
development partner of the EESZT. Its business consultants involved in the writing of the National
Digitalisation Strategy and the E-Health Strategy.
Leading a team of 10+ medical and economic professionals at the Department of Health Technology Assessment (NIPN), Gergő has an emerging portfolio of leadership and consensus building skills, accompanying the established knowledge of economic and statistical methods used for health technology assessment. He is also PhD candidate at Semmelweis University, has a master’s degree in health policy with a specialization in health economics, and a bachelor’s degree in sociology and completed a number of courses for specialization.
As a Health Policy Expert of the Hungarian National Public Health Centre since 2017, Fruzsi is strategically planning and implementing evidence-based developments in the field of primary care. She is currently working on improving care of six chronic disease groups that are leading causes of death in Hungary (e.g. hypertension, diabetes, oncological diseases etc.). She graduated as a Medical Anthropologist from Durham University in 2017 and received her MSc in Health Policy, Planning and Financing from ELTE in 2019. Stemming from her research background, she is an advocate of evidence-based policy making and aims to disseminate the idea of data collection and analytics to systematically address leading health issues. Working on national and international health care projects, primarily in the field of chronic care, she has first-hand experience in the barriers of implementing innovative digital solutions in the public health sphere. She works to overcome these barriers.
Rita Molnar earned her BA business communication degree in the Budapest College of Communication and Business in 2008. She completed her MBA master program at Budapest Metropolitan University in 2020 and she is now pursuing a Health Policy, Planning and Financing Master’s program at Budapest Corvinus University. The program is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the complexities of health care systems both at macro- and micro-levels within the context of technological development, an ageing population and patient expectations. She is well-prepared to work in health administration, government departments, research and consultancy agencies, universities, national health services, health care organizations and pharmaceutical and medical device industry.
She started her career as a professional photojournalist from 1997 to 2002. Rita was just 21 when she started organizing events, and she founded her own company. Her first event was an amateur film festival in Eger in 1998. Ever since, she has been organizing 3 conferences per year, mainly in healthcare and VC investing fields. Between 2001-2005 Rita also worked as a movie producer. She was involved in co-producing a movie directed by the iconic Magyar movie-maker Miklós Jancsó. From 2006 to late 2007 Rita managed the event marketing team at Ringier Publishing, a Hungarian subsidiary of a Swiss-based leading publishing firm. In the summer of 2010 Rita founded Slimexpo with a venture capital involvement, and she organized with her own team a Slimexpo Festival with a diet, health and beauty theme at a premium event venue in Budapest Aréna in the spring of 2011.
András Csaba Nagy, MD, PhD graduated from the Semmelweis University of Medicine in 1991, than he worked at the Uzsoki Street Hospital in the ICU, and in the 1st Department of Internal Medicine and Cardiology, as a Chief Medical Officer, and Head of Department from 2007.
Since 2018, he has been the Director of Chief of the Zugló Health Service. In 2012, he obtained a qualification as a Health Management Specialist at the Corvinus University of Budapest. In the course of his scientific work he has published numerous papers and publications in the fields of cardiology, oncocardiology and telemedicine. In 2018 he obtained a PhD degree from the University of Szeged.
He has been developing healthcare digitisation for more than 10 years.
Dániel is a Senior Associate in the Budapest office and the Head of the Budapest Technology, Media
and Telecommunications (TMT) service.
Dániel has wide range of expertise in the fields of GDPR and other data protection issues, trademarks,
broad range of IP agreements, as well as in software license, development, and various sector
specific contracts (e.g. in the IT, automotive and financial services). He has conducted scores of data
protection compliance projects based on the GDPR and provided privacy advice to companies that
process large amounts of personal data.
Dániel provides ongoing legal support to healthcare and pharmaceutical clients, in particular regarding
the data protection and privacy aspects of clinical trials.
He speaks Hungarian, English and French.
Ákos Németh received his MBA in management in 2007 and his degree in chemical engineering in 2014. He has a broad international experience, worked for P&G for almost 6 years in brand management and since 2014 he has dealt with artificial intelligence, data mining and software design primarily in the fields of medtech, biotech and machine vision. Founder, co-founder and mentor of multiple start-ups. Currently the development lead for Ai|Life Smart Report project which opens new horizonts in lab diagnostics via computer aided risk assessment and explanation of blood test results.
Nóra is the founder of PregHello pregnancy app and it is her mission to provide every pregnant woman in
Hungary access to all important information around pregnancy in one place, from credible sources. After
a 15 year long exciting career journey in the finance and international marketing areas, it was Nóra’s own
pregnancy that inspired her to leave the big corporate world and start her own business. In April 2020,
PregHello, the Hungarian pregnancy app, became available in all mobile app stores. Today, 2 out of 3
expectant women use PregHello on a regular basis during their pregnancy. Nóra is working with
healthcare professionals on a daily basis to ensure the app contains up-to-date information in all
healthcare matters so all women can have a worry free pregnancy.
Nóra speaks: Hungarian, English, Swedish, German
János Pénzes MD graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Semmelweis Medical University in 1996. Afterwards János managed international multicentric clinical studies at the Medical Department of Gedeon Richter before becoming a medical representative and junior product manager at the Hungarian operation of Richter in 2002. As Product Manager, he managed gastroenterology products and later antibiotics. From 2006 he was head of the Cardiovascular Marketing Department in Richter’s domestic market. János started to focus intensively on digital marketing and eHealth topics from 2009, became the digital expert of the international marketig team in 2011 and heads the Digital Center Of Excellence from 2017.
Istvan Petak, MD, Ph.D., is a physician and researcher. He has been developing technologies together with his team to find the best personalized, targeted therapy for cancer patients for over 20 years. His group was one of the pioneers of predictive molecular diagnostics. Their current development is a method to match the best, targeted therapy to each genetic alterations or combination of genetic changes in every cancer patient. This technique is being implemented into an artificial intelligence-based medical software system. This system and method received the award of the American Society Clinical Oncology at their Breakthrough Oncology conference in Bangkok, and it also won the innovation prize of the GET IN THE RING V4, in 2019. Dr. Petak is the founder and CEO of Oncompass Medicine and regular lecturer of the Semmelweis University, Budapest, and the University of Illinois at Chicago.
Póda Tamás 2017 óta vezeti a SYNLAB Hungary kereskedelmi és marketing csapatát.
Tanulmányait erősáramú villamosmérnökként végezte a Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetemen. Az egyetem elvégzése óta az egészségügyhöz kapcsolódó területen dolgozik, 2008-tól egészségügyi rendszerek értékesítésével, telepítésével és az ehhez szükséges oktatásokkal foglalkozott. 2012-ben csatlakozott a GE Healthcare csapatához, ahol feladatai közé tartozott az LCS portfólió (aneszteziológiai, légzőszervi, monitorozási megoldások, diagnosztikai kardiológia, anyatejes csecsemőgondozás, fogyóeszközök és kiegészítők, valamint egészségügyi informatika) horvátországi, szlovéniai és magyarországi értékesítési csatornáinak vezetése, ehhez tartozó tevékenységek fejlesztése, végrehajtása. Fontos feladatának tekinti az egészségmegőrzés minél szélesebb körű megismertetését, melyhez pályája minden állomásán megbízható, kiemelt minőségű eszközöket és szolgáltatásokat kínál.
Tamás graduated as an economist and began his pharmaceutical career at Pfizer in 2009. During his more than 10 years there, he gained extensive experience in various departments (Finance, Business operation, Global Commercial operation), which was later utilized in the field of sales force excellence and he also played a decisive role in the company's digital development and implementation of new systems. After nearly 10 years on the support side, he had the opportunity to prove his abilities on the business side, for a year and a half in the Internal Medicine business unit he was responsible for promoting selected products through digital channels. He joined Novartis’s cardiovascular business unit as a product manager in 2020 and will continue his career in the Digital Lead position from 2021, where his main responsibilities will be the company’s digital development, mapping and implementing new, innovative opportunities and transforming the Omnichannel approach theory into practice.
Balazs has been graduated at the Semmelweis Medical School in 1992, then he got a further MSc degree at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine & London School of Economics and Political Science, Public Health and Policy Health Care Management, where he has continued his further studies at the Health Services Research Unit. Furthermore he has also graduated at the Eötvös Lóránd Science University Faculty of Social Sciences Health Economics Task Force on Drug Policy and Pharmaceutical Economics. His work experience encompasses wide range of health care sector: He has served as a General Practitioner, managing a public health institution, worked at the Ministry of Health, World Bank Public health programs, and also used to be director at the Pharmaceutical sector, as well as Private Health Insurance, Health Fund. He is proud to be the founder of the first Hungarian private health insurance providing in-kind care, or establishing health fund, and also he has participated in the foundation of the first Hungarian Fund Holding primary care model. With his 12 colleagues he is managing a medical devices distributor firm, besides he is providing health economics, health care management, health policy advices to several health insurance companies, health care providers. He is also the health policy advisor of the Major of Budapest.
David Seyed enrolled in Kodolanyi Janos University in 2017, in Business communication,
and Human resources management. While he was studying, he joined his friend social media
startup, and acted as a Business Development Manager. In the last two years, they were
trying to build the company together, however, because of the lack of investment, they had to
close it down. David have tried himself in the word of consulting, but his heart felt otherwise,
and decided to return to the startup world. In 2022, he enrolled himself in the Hungarian
Startup University Program, and met with a student from SZTE, and they decided to join
force, and start working on a new health platform. In June, the Hungarian University of Sport
Science has acquired their project, and since then, they are building the company with full
support from the university, while David is responsible for the business development of the
whole university, and several projects too.
Judit Somogyi graduated as a statistician-economist from Corvinus University of Budapest in 2007, starting her career in the pharmaceutical industry as an intern during her university years. After university, she worked as a data scientist in a Hungarian-owned consulting company specialized in the pharmaceutical industry, where she later became head of the analytics business. During this time, she gained extensive experience in using data to drive and inform business decisions, mainly in the areas of Real World Evidence, Sales and Commercial Excellence and Process Optimization. To deepen her practical knowledge, she joined Sandoz in 2014 in the area of Sales and Commercial Excellence, where she supported 14 other European countries at the same time with her advice. She started her career at IQVIA in 2020, where one of the main areas she represents, besides supplier relationship management and product development, is the promotion and support of the practical application of Real World Evidence. She is the Business Development Director of IQVIA Hungary.
2011 óta weboldal alapítójaként segít a pácienseknek boldogulni az egészségügy útvesztőjében, ezzel egyidejűleg a magánorvosok számára fenntartható páciensforgalom kialakításában, online praxisépítésben segít. Célja, hogy csapatával egy valós alternatívát tudjanak nyújtani a mai egészségügyi keretek között az orvosok és a páciensek számára, mely jelentősen hozzá tudna járulni az egészségügy egészének fejlődéséhez.
Barnabás is an engineer-economist with extensive experience in the medical device and diagnostics field.
He graduated from the Budapest University of Technology as a mechanical engineer in 2003 and did his postgraduate studies at the Budapest Corvinus University.
He started his career at the Budapest University of Technology, where he was involved in an international cardiovascular stent research and development project.
In 2007 he began to work at MED-EL GmbH. in Austria as a development project lead in the implantable neurostimulation field.
In 2011 he joined the Hungarian In Vitro Diagnostic company 77 Elektronika Kft. as diabetes topic manager and became soon deputy director of the Development Department. His responsibility is cross-functional device development of multiple product lines from idea to market release in international environment, including quality and regulatory aspects. His main area is Point of Care Testing and related digital health technologies.
Barnabás is a strategic planner with a high focus on medical product related innovation.
He is married and father of 3 children.
Krisztián Szigeti, MSc, PhD,biophysicist, leader of Quantitative In vivo Imaging Center - Semmelweis University, co-founder and CEO of Kinepict Health Ltd. He and his team have developed an image processing medical software. In the rapidly growing number of interventional laboratories, this technology can be used to significantly improve therapeutic efficiency and reduce risks for patients and physicians. The innovation was funded by the EIC Accelerator programme in 2020 (32 out of 4200 applicants received funding). This company was the first among Hungarian companies in the Health category.
15 years of experience mainly with sales of industrial products and services, and in leadership positions at software development and medical device companies. Back in time, the subject of his diploma thesis in product design engineering was the development of a medical device, which has also been patented. Now, back again in the medical device arena as CEO of Dermus Ltd., (a skin analytics company), his mission is to revolutionize dermatology and cosmetics with novel digital solutions.
He graduated at the Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration as a financial investment analyst and risk manager in 2003. He has more than 12-years experience in venture capital and private equity investments, as well as, strategic and financial management of companies. Between 2003 and 2007 he worked for the Hungarian Development Bank (MFB) and MFB Invest Zrt. His position was investment analyst, he was responsible for the analysis of development plans, company valuation, the support of the operation of the portfolio companies, and the exit from the investments. He is working for Cashline Group since 2007 as a portfolio-manager, active in the deal flow generation, project analysis, valuation, management of the entire investment and exit process, as well as, strategic management of the portfolio companies. Since 2012 he is responsible for the venture capital activity of Cashline Group, and is the CEO of Valor Capital. He completed a Ph.D. Program at Corvinus University of Budapest, on the Department of Environmental Sciences and Technology in 2015. His research topics are environmental innovations and patents. He is managing director and board member of numerous Hungarian small and medium-sized enterprises.
She is a Hungarian attorney with over 14 years of experience having in-depth knowledge
pharmaceutical, biotechnology, healthcare and medical devices sectors and the related regulatory
Eszter also regularly advises on competition and state aid matters, and has leveraged that experience
to deliver a broader and deeper service offering to the firm’s life sciences clients. Her client base
includes national and international clients in respect of which she has advised on licensing,
compliance, enforcement as well as sector related M&A.
Eszter was named Regulatory Rising Star at the LMG European Life Sciences Awards 2020 and in
2021 recognized as a Jurisdictional Winner in Hungary by LMG.
She speaks Hungarian, English and German.
After graduating at the Corvinus University of Budapest in 2014, Tamas worked as an M&A consultant and as a BD strategy manager for a local commercial bank. He joined Turbine in 2018 as Head of Business Development, where he works on strengthening and managing pharma, biotech and academic partnerships with the ultimate goal to develop ideal therapies for every cancer patient.
Matt Zeller is currently leading the Hungarian organization as Country President. Previous Novartis roles include executive director of U.S. cardiovascular national hospital accounts, vice president and head of U.S. patient and specialty services, U.S. sales and marketing head of the COPD franchise, and director of global pharma strategy in Switzerland. Before joining Novartis, Matt was a principal in BCG’s New Jersey and Shanghai offices in the commercial pharma space. Prior to BCG, he worked in hospital marketing and pharma sales for Lilly. Matt holds a Bachelor of Science from Vanderbilt University and an MBA from Duke University.