Welcome to Digital Health Summit

  21st. November 2024

Hungary’s first Digital Health conference. Digital health conference for public and private health care, digital pharma, and manufacturers of digital medical products.


Digital Health Business Market + AI and ML+ Novartis Workshop +
Data and Cyber Security + Health Gadgets + Pharma Digital +
Telemedicine + DHS Award +
Digital Health Sciences + Innovative Healthcare

Keynote speakers

Rami Riman
Director of Clinical & Business Improvements EMEA
InterSystems EMEA

Rami Riman leverages clinical best practices across multiple healthcare disciplines through engagement with InterSystems solutions. In his role, Rami works to improve hospital workflows to ensure patient safety, improve efficiencies and increase system adoption. Rami has extensive consultancy experience in healthcare IT, including change management consultancy, professional accreditation, hospital workflow management, and realizing a return on investments. Prior to InterSystems, Rami had 10 years of clinical experience across multiple hospitals in the US, UK, Lebanon and UAE. Rami’s passion remains in increasing patient engagement to improve community’s health and awareness.

Rami holds a B.A. from the American University of Beirut in Biology, a Doctorate in Medicine from St. George’s University School of Medicine and a master’s degree in infectious diseases from the University of London. Rami is board certified in Internal Medicine and Medical Oncology.

The 4th Digital Health Summit was on 29th November, 2023 with 400+ registrations. The 3nd Digital Health Summit was on 22nd November, 2022 with 444 registrations. The 2nd DHS was in September, 2021 with 220 guests. The 1st Digital Health Summit was in February, 2020 with 397 attendees. 

The Digital Health Summit brings together public and private health care, digital pharma, and manufacturers of digital medical products, venture capitalists and startups from around Hungary, to network, exchange ideas and to become more familiar with opportunities in Hungary. Our independent conference will become a significant event for many companies in the DH industry and is particularly important in Hungary given the explosion of business and entrepreneurship in the region.

Digital health is the convergence of digital technologies with health, healthcare, living, and society to enhance the efficiency of healthcare delivery and make medicines more personalized and precise. The discipline involves the use of information and communication technologies to help address the health problems and challenges faced by people under treatment. These technologies include both hardware and software solutions and services, including telemedicine, web-based analysis, email, mobile phones and applications, text messages, wearable devices, and clinic or remote monitoring sensors. Generally, digital health is concerned about the development of interconnected health systems to improve the use of computational technologies, smart devices, computational analysis techniques, and communication media to aid healthcare professionals and their clients manage illnesses and health risks, as well as promote health and wellbeing.

Digital health is a multi-disciplinary domain involving many stakeholders, including clinicians, researchers and scientists with a wide range of expertise in healthcare, engineering, social sciences, public health, health economics and data management.

Who attends
  • + Providers / Health Systems
  • + Payers
  • + Pharma
  • + Health Tech
  • + Platform Technology Pioneers
  • + Big Tech
  • + Investors
Why attend?
  • + INSPIRED. Our speakers are leading real business transformation, driving change across the enterprise and actioning measurable digital innovation for their businesses. Get motivated from leaders and walk away with new ideas you can implement.
  • + CHALLENGED. Rethink your current processes and business blueprints, the event speakers will challenge your way of thinking and allow you to realise that new methods may be your best way of moving forward sitting alongside your current beliefs.
  • + TRANSFORMED. The conference agenda and speakers are put together as such to reveal insights into how some of the biggest organisations are going about digital, from real business use cases to success stories and where the challenges may lie.
  • + NETWORKING. It's an invaluable part of events and where real value often presents itself, meeting those who are facing the same challenges and coming together to solve similar issues. Our agendas feature numerous opportunities throughout the day to meet like minded folk from various industries and backgrounds. We have previously had extremely positive feedback from delegates who have found long lasted business relationships with those who they wouldn't normally meet from opposite industries and largely seeking out the same solutions to industry wide transformation sticking points.


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Companies registered for the 2024 conference

Ap Summit Now, Belügyminisztérium, BENU, Berlin Chemie, Boehringer Ingelheim RCV Magyarországi Fióktelep, Enelis Informatika, Egészségkalauz, Evosoft Hungary, Inspira Research, Intersystems, Házipatika, Hegymegi-Barakonyi és Fehérváry Baker & McKenzie Ügyvédi Iroda, Hiflylabs, Hospitaly, HVG, Königsber Condulting, Matik Design, Magyar Máltai Szeretetszolgálat Egyesület, Medtronic Hungaria, Novartis Hungaria, Richter Gedeon, Roche Magyarország, Origin Consulting, Phoenix Pharma, PharmaIndex, Positive Health & Care, Sandoz Hungária, Takácsi-Nagy-Osztheimer Ügyvédi Iroda, Telex, Népszava, Webbeteg



Keynote: Bence Rétvári (Interior Ministry)

Keynote: Rami Riman, MD (InterSystems EMEA)

The future of the hospitals- discussion of hospital directors - Krisztina Bogos, MD, PhD (National Institute of Early Pulmonology), Prof. Csaba Polgár, MD, PhD (National Institute of Oncology), Moderator: 

The financing of telemedicine - cardiologist, general practitioner and the health goverment in daily digital practice. Different aspects of telemedicine. Advancement possibilities and practical problems of telemedicine -- Bidló Judit, PhD (Interior Ministry), Prof. Gábor Z. Duray, MD, PhD, DSc, MSc, FESC (Észak-Pesti Centrumkórház – Honvédkórház), Vántus Gergely, MD (gp), Moderator: 

Secondary usability of health data. Semantics. How does the structured data sheet operate in the labs work - How can be the data useful? - Kádár Magdolna, PhD (Interior Ministry), Tamás Joó, PhD (Semmelweis University), Tolnay Roland (ESZFK), Moderátor: 

Pharma digital panel discussion

Healthcare Artificial Intelligence in practice

What is the use of chat GDP in a medical? a short case study presentation in live testing.

Round table of venture capital investors - what kind of healthcare startups do they invest?

How to Implement Digital Health Partnerships Between Corporate and Start-ups? - Join us for an illuminating keynote on implementing successful digital health partnerships between corporates and start-ups, where we'll explore creating win-win concepts, measuring success, and avoiding common pitfalls. How to set-up a win-win concept? How to measure success? How to avoid common mistakes

DHS Award presentation, public jury evaluation, presentations by winning applicants

Healthcare startup pitch - 5x6 minutes. Register as a speaker!

Healthcare startups round table


Deputy State Secretary for the Professional Management of Health
Ministry of the Interior

Dr. Judit Bidló has been the Deputy State Secretary for the Professional Management of Health at the Ministry of the Interior since March 1, 2023.

She is a pharmacist, economist, and infobionics engineer. Founding member of the Hungarian Health Economics Society. She gained her experience in the pharmaceutical industry at Novartis and the Association of Innovative Pharmaceutical Manufacturers. of which she was director for 4 years between 2005-2009. Since 2009, she worked at the National Health Insurance Fund, in the area of price reimbursement. She was the deputy general director of price reimbursement of the National Health Insurance Fund from November 1, 2018 until the end of February 2023. At NEAK, she was responsible for the operation and financing of the outpatient drug supply, the financing of medical devices and itemized based reimbursement technologies, as well as for procurement and orphan pharmaceutical products financing. She still participates in the work of the National Molecular Oncoteam at NEAK. Currently, she considers her main task to be the creation of outcome-based drug financing and the adaptation of financing systems to the telemedicine systems that are coming to the fore due to the COVID epidemic. In addition, she is a committed supporter of the development of data-driven healthcare decision-making.

Director General
National Koranyi Institute for Pulmonology

Krisztina Bogos MD, PhD has been the Director General of National Koranyi Institute for Pulmonology since 1
January, 2021.
She has been working at the institute since 1992 as Head of Pulmonology Department, then Medical
Director, and subsequently took over the management of the institute in July 2020 as acting Director
She obtained her medical degree in 1992 at the Medical University of Pécs, and then passed the specialist
examination in pulmonary medicine, general internal medicine, clinical oncology and European adult
pulmonary medicine within the framework of the HERMES program.
She obtained a PhD degree in 2009, followed by an MSc degree in healthcare management in 2016 at
Semmelweis University, and a Habilitation in 2023 at the University of Pécs.
Between 2013 and 2021, she was regional supervisor specialist in pulmonology.
She is the president of the Pulmonology Section of the Professional College, a member of the
management and board of the Hungarian Society of Pulmonology, a member of the board of the
Oncopulmonology Section since 2000, then its president from 2014-2022.
She is also a member of the European Respiratory Society (ERS), the Hungarian Oncology Society and
the IASLC.
In 2020, she was awarded a certificate of recognition from minister of the Hungarian Ministry of Human
Resources, in 2021 she was awarded the Széchenyi Society award, and in 2022 she was recognised by the
award of the Hungarian Order of Merit by the Civilian Division of the Order of Merit.
She is an organiser and speaker of several national scientific conferences.

Head of Department of Cardiology
Central Hospital of Northern Pest - Military Hospital

Belgyógyász – Kardiológus, nemzetközileg jegyzett szívritmuszavar specialista. Általános orvosi diplomáját a Semmelweis Egyetemen szerezte, majd a szakképzése után 2005 és 2010 között a Frankfurti Egyetem Kardiológiai Klinikáján dolgozott, ahol a szívritmuszavar részleg főorvosaként dolgozott. Európai Kardiológus diplomát szerzett, majd az Európai Kardiológus Társaság tiszteletbeli tagjának választotta. A Semmelweis Egyetemen szerezte PhD doktori (2009) címét, Egészségügyi Menedzser MSc diplomáját (2019), majd ugyanitt habilitált (2020). A Magyar Kardiológusok Társasága Aritmia és Pacemaker munkacsoport alelnöke. Kutatási érdeklődési köre a szívritmuszavar, valamint szívelégtelenség miatt eszközös kezelésre szoruló betegek ellátási módszerei, a katéteres, műtéti (pacemaker, defibrillátor), valamint gyógyszeres kezelési stratégiái. Bevezette Magyarországra a legmodernebb, teljesen a szívbe ültethető törpe pacemaker (Micra) alkalmazását, és tapasztalataival nagymértékben hozzájárult a technológia széleskörű elterjesztéséhez. A mindennapi betegellátás mellett fontos számára az eszköz- és gyógyszergyártókkal való szoros együttműködés, a diagnosztikus és terápiás eljárások kifejlesztésével és alkalmazásával kapcsolatos kutatómunka.

health economist

2010-ben közgazdász diplomát szerzett az Óbudai Egyetemen. Az egyetem elvégzése után okleveles
egészségpolitikai szakértő mesterképzésben vett részt az Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetemen. A Nemzeti
Közszolgálati Egyetemen elektronikus információbiztonsági vezető képesítést szerzett 2020-ban. 2014-2016 között az Állami Egészségügyi Ellátó Központnál alprojektvezetőként az intézményfejlesztési stratégiai tervezéssel és teljesítményértékeléssel kapcsolatos módszertani fejlesztést és implementációt irányította, amelyek a nyugat-dunántúli és észak-magyarországi térségek 22 intézményét érintették. 2016-2017 között Dr. Szócska Miklós a WHO (World Health Organization, az ENSZ egészségügyi szervezete) főigazgatói jelöltségéhez kapcsolódó kampányidőszak szakmai és operatív irányítását
végezte. 2016-2018 között főigazgatói tanácsadóként dolgozott az Országos Gyógyszerészeti és Élelmezés-
egészségügyi Intézetben, ahol elsődlegesen az újonnan alakult intézmény szervezetfejlesztési feladataiban vett részt és az intézmény kiemelt projektjének dohányzással és táplálkozás- egészségüggyel kapcsolatos szakmai koncepciójának kidolgozását irányította. 2014-től az Országgyűlés Népjóléti Bizottságának állandó egészségügyi szakértője. Kiemelten a költségvetéssel, forrásteremtéssel, humán erőforrással és az egészségügyi ellátórendszer átalakításával és fejlesztésével kapcsolatos jogszabálytervezetek véleményezését és szakmai háttéranyagok készítését végzi. Több hazai és nemzetközi WHO projekt, valamint fejlesztés irányítója és résztvevője. Szerbiában a dohányzás társadalmi terheinek felmérését támogatta szakértőként. Spanyolországban magyarországi jó gyakorlatként a népegészségügyi termékadó hazai tapasztalatait összegző tanulmány elkészítését irányította. A budapesti WHO iroda munkáját támogatta a jövedéki adópolitikát, forrásteremtést és különböző dohányzás ellenes intézkedések meghozatalára javaslatot tevő kutatásokkal. 2014-től a Semmelweis Egyetem, Egészségügyi Menedzserképző Központjának munkatársa. Egyetemi adjunktusként különböző digitális egészségüggyel, adattudománnyal, mesterséges intelligenciával, ipari befolyásolási technikákkal, egészségbiztonsággal és kibervédelemmel kapcsolatos területeken végzi kutatási és oktatási feladatait.  2018 óta külső közreműködője a washingtoni székhelyű Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) egészségügyi kutatóközpontnak, ahol 204 országot és területet érintő, halálozással, kockázati tényezőkkel, betegcsoportokkal kapcsolatos globális kutatások résztvevője. Jelenleg a NAV mesterséges intelligencia munkacsoportjának szakértője és a BM e-Egészségügyi Szakértői Testületének tagja. A Magyar Egészségügyi Menedzsment Társaság elnökhelyettese. A társaság nevéhez kötődik számos civil és népegészségügyi kezdeményezés (Egészségpart, Dohányzásmentes Magyarországért Mozgalom, stb.). IME tudományos folyóirat szerkesztőbizottságának tagja.

Head of the Health Development Policy Department
Healthcare Financing and Development of the Ministry of the Interior

Graduate public health specialist, Doctor of Health Sciences. She has 10 years of experience in IT software design and coordination of IT developments. Her main task was the process-level synchronization of IT developments. Contact with users of healthcare field, the measurement and organization of business requirements. Planning of system describe processes, preparing of prior specifications. Coordination of developments and support the functional testing.

Previously, she carried out IT process manager, lead coordinator and healthcare specialist tasks in several projects implemented with European Union funds. Between 2012 and 2017 she strengthened the project team of National Public Health Center (formerly Office of the Chief Medical Officer of State), between 2017 and 2022 she was responsible for the developments of central hospital integrated management systems and medical laboratory diagnostic systems at National Directorate General for Hospitals. Under her project leading, the national introduction of Central Financial Approval System was implemented in all institutions provide publicly owned in-patient care.

Currently, she pays special attention to the domestic digital healthcare and from 2023 to the coordination of e-health department operating within the Deputy State Secretariat for Healthcare Financing and Development of the Ministry of the Interior. Head of the Health Development Policy Department at Deputy State Secretariat.

Chief Operating Officer, Sales Director
PHOENIX Pharma Zrt.

Tamás Kaló is the COO and Sales Director of PHOENIX Pharma Zrt, and  Vice President of the Hungarian Association of Pharmaceutical Wholesalers.

Tamás graduated in 1995 in economics and has been working for PHOENIX since 1996.   He supported the activities of PHOENIX Hungary as Financial Director between 2002-2020, during the time the Company became the market leader wholesaler partner of the Hungarian pharmacies. He took over the duties of Chief Operating Officer and Sales Director in 2020, focusing on innovative services for customers in the pharmaceutical supply chain. He considers an important task to support the digital development of the sector, in which the wholesale industry – directly linked with the pharmaceutical industry, pharmacies and hospitals – plays a key role. By the digital improvement of logistics, sales and administrative processes of the pharmaceutical supply chain, patients can have faster, safer and more efficient access to the medicines they need, and to important healthcare products, that prevent diseases.

founder, Digital Health Summit

Rita Molnar earned her BA business communication degree in the Budapest College of Communication and Business in 2008. She completed her MBA master program at Budapest Metropolitan University in 2020 and she is now pursuing a Health Policy, Planning and Financing Master’s program at Budapest Corvinus University. The program is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the complexities of health care systems both at macro- and micro-levels within the context of technological development, an ageing population and patient expectations. She is well-prepared to work in health administration, government departments, research and consultancy agencies, universities, national health services, health care organizations and pharmaceutical and medical device industry. 

She started her career as a professional photojournalist from 1997 to 2002. Rita was just 21 when she started organizing events, and she founded her own company. Her first event was an amateur film festival in Eger in 1998. Ever since, she has been organizing 3 conferences per year, mainly in healthcare and VC investing fields. Between 2001-2005 Rita also worked as a movie producer. She was involved in co-producing a movie directed by the iconic Magyar movie-maker Miklós Jancsó. From 2006 to late 2007 Rita managed the event marketing team at Ringier Publishing, a Hungarian subsidiary of a Swiss-based leading publishing firm. In the summer of 2010 Rita founded Slimexpo with a venture capital involvement, and she organized with her own team a Slimexpo Festival with a diet, health and beauty theme at a premium event venue in Budapest Aréna in the spring of 2011. 

Managing Director
ESZFK Nonprofit

From 1 February 2023, Roland Tolnay performs the executive duties of the Health
Informatics Service and Development Centre Nonprofit Ltd. (ESZFK)., He is a specialist with
an engineering degree in IT and previously gained experience in the field of e-public
administration in the construction of IT systems related to state administration. From 2015,
he participated in the strategic planning and professional implementation of numerous e-
public administration projects at the Deputy State Secretariat for Information Technology of
the Ministry of Interior. From 2018, he performed his duties as the Head of the Department
at the Ministry of the Interior, since 1 March 2021, he was involved in the development of
the electronic public administration as the Managing Director of Kopint-Datorg Kft., a
subsidiary of NISZ Zrt. Roland Tolnay is committed to supporting the implementation of the
goals outlined in the central development of eHealth.
In 2022, Roland Tolnay won the "Young ICT Manager of the Year 2022" award.

general practicioner
2nd. District, Budapest

Dr. Gergely Vántus graduated from the Faculty of General Medicine at the University of Debrecen in 2005. Leveraging his experience in primary care, internal medicine, and the pharmaceutical industry, he currently works as a general practitioner in Budapest.
He has gained extensive experience in sales and marketing in the pharmaceutical industry and was been involved in product launches for innovative medicines in the fields of cardiovascular medicine, pulmonology, and rheumatology. He has also been a speaker at numerous education events.
Currently, Dr. Gergely Vántus works as a primary care physician in Budapest. He also practices in elderly care and rehabilitation institutes as a primary care physician. 

As a general practicioner, he considers disease prevention to be one of his most important primary care tasks. Instead of episodic preventive work, he aims to establish structured disease prevention. He places great importance on increasing patient responsibility to improve the efficiency of screening work. In this process, he sees digitalization as a significant aid through process automation, data collection and analysis, and simplification of communication with patients.