Dr. Levente Kovács, chief of staff of the Gondosóra program, father of two children, lawyer, completed his studies at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University. At the Hungarian National Asset Managament Inc., and then in the public administration, he held various responsibilities, including at the Deputy State Secretariat for Asset Supervision. He worked as the director of the Sales Department of MVH Inc., then as the financial and HR department manager of the Defence Procurement Agency Ltd.
Since July 2023, he has been the chief of staff of the state company responsible for the implementation of the Gondosóra program, after the Government Service Center Nonprofit Ltd., under the supervision of the Prime Minister's Cabinet Office, took over the management of the Gondosóra program. With the adoption of the program, the number of users of the Gondosóra is constantly increasing: before July 15, 2023, 150,000 registrations for the program were received, and today this number is more than 700,000. The previous daily average of 600 registrations had more than quadrupled by the end of last year. As a development of the Gondosóra program, the Gondosóra application was launched, as well as the toll-free number for registration. Cooperation agreements were signed with more than 30 health, law enforcement, social and civil organizations, and more than 30 recognized artists or public figures joined in promoting the program. In addition, the roadshow is ongoing: visiting various points of the country, informative events and on-site registration have been organized for more than 5,000 interested people in more than 100 locations.