Roland Tolnay

Tolnay Roland
Managing Director
ESZFK Nonprofit

From 1 February 2023, Roland Tolnay performs the executive duties of the Health
Informatics Service and Development Centre Nonprofit Ltd. (ESZFK)., He is a specialist with
an engineering degree in IT and previously gained experience in the field of e-public
administration in the construction of IT systems related to state administration. From 2015,
he participated in the strategic planning and professional implementation of numerous e-
public administration projects at the Deputy State Secretariat for Information Technology of
the Ministry of Interior. From 2018, he performed his duties as the Head of the Department
at the Ministry of the Interior, since 1 March 2021, he was involved in the development of
the electronic public administration as the Managing Director of Kopint-Datorg Kft., a
subsidiary of NISZ Zrt. Roland Tolnay is committed to supporting the implementation of the
goals outlined in the central development of eHealth.
In 2022, Roland Tolnay won the "Young ICT Manager of the Year 2022" award.

Keynote 2023
Keynote 2024