Dr. Judit Bidló

Bidló Judit
Deputy State Secretary for the Professional Management of Health
Ministry of the Interior

Dr. Judit Bidló has been the Deputy State Secretary for the Professional Management of Health at the Ministry of the Interior since March 1, 2023.

She is a pharmacist, economist, and infobionics engineer. Founding member of the Hungarian Health Economics Society. She gained her experience in the pharmaceutical industry at Novartis and the Association of Innovative Pharmaceutical Manufacturers. of which she was director for 4 years between 2005-2009. Since 2009, she worked at the National Health Insurance Fund, in the area of price reimbursement. She was the deputy general director of price reimbursement of the National Health Insurance Fund from November 1, 2018 until the end of February 2023. At NEAK, she was responsible for the operation and financing of the outpatient drug supply, the financing of medical devices and itemized based reimbursement technologies, as well as for procurement and orphan pharmaceutical products financing. She still participates in the work of the National Molecular Oncoteam at NEAK. Currently, she considers her main task to be the creation of outcome-based drug financing and the adaptation of financing systems to the telemedicine systems that are coming to the fore due to the COVID epidemic. In addition, she is a committed supporter of the development of data-driven healthcare decision-making.

Keynote 2023
Keynote 2024
Keynote 2025