Szabolcs Békássy, MD

Dr. Békássy Szabolcs
Országos Háziorvosi Kollegiális, OKFő

Szabolcs Békássy, MD graduated as a medical doctor in 2007. He has been working as a general practitioner in Dunavarsány since 2008, qualified in family medicine in 2011 and in occupational medicine in 2017. He is the founding president of the Online Organisation of General Practitioners (Háziorvosok Online Szervezete, HaOSZ) and has been active in the Hungarian Medical Chamber since 2015. Since 2021, he has been a PhD student at the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Pécs as well as the the National Collegial Head of General Practitioners of the Directorate for Primary Care Development at the National Directorate General for Hospitals.