Személyre szabott medicina - Helyezd a pácienseket a stratégiája középpontjába: Könnyen használható platformok és ügyfélközpontú kommunikáció a páciensek elkötelezettségének javítása érdekében - Pharma Digital kerekasztal - Raffaella Bondi (Roche Magyarország), dr. Kókai-Nagy Ákos (Biogen Hungary), Matt Zeller (Novartis Hungária) - Moderator: dr. Fenyvesi József Bulcsú LL.M. (Oppenheim) (a beszélgetés angol nyelvű, szinkrontolmácsot nem biztosítunk.
Raffaella Bondi (Roche Magyarország)
In the near future, we need to think about patient involved, patient centric, healthcare-journey connected operations. The main goal is the implementation of the case related and personalized guideline driven mindset and daily practice which able to measure added values to patients and Helath Care providers too. The digitally assisted, dynamic best practice evolution is a core element. For doing this well we need transparency, flexibility, innovations, strong purpose and teamwork. Personalization is strongly connected to “in time” and evidence based decision making in every critical step along the patient journey. The synergy between the very well specialized and patient connected vertical clinical competency and the biomarker pattern based horizontal diagnostic competency is crucial. The interdisciplinary teamwork around the concept and “how to implement” questions is strongly recommended.