AI in biosignals – see the unseen

Keynote: AI in biosignals – see the unseen - Bartłomiej Madej (Bristol Myers Squibb, Zürich) (az előadás angol nyelvű, szinkrontolmácsolást nem biztosítunk)

At Bristol Myers Squibb, digital innovation and information technology are at the heart of our mission & vision to transform patients’ lives through science, driving our ambition to get more medicines to more patients faster, in ways that enhance outcomes.

We believe that healthcare must evolve to meet the expanding needs of the world, and so must we.

In the wake of a global pandemic and facing the headwinds of an aging population, and the increasing burden of chronic disease, we believe that the advancement of digital technology, including the field of digital health, is the fastest, surest way to enhance the benefits provided by our medicines and improve patient care.

Digital technology, coupled with pharmacology has the power to genuinely transform clinical practice, patient outcomes, and our industry as we know it. In his keynote speech, Bartek Madej, Digital Health Lead for International Markets at BMS will show how digital tools can power the future of patient care in the field of oncology and cardiovascular diseases, making diagnosis rates faster and more accurate, and improving outcomes for patients.