Healthcare: Where is the puck going? And how can data help?

Keynote: Healthcare: Where is the puck going? And how can data help? - Erion Dasho, MD, MPH (InterSystems EMEA) 

* FYI, “puck” is referring to the hockey puck. The speech will include an analogy of healthcare trends and puck movement in the game of hokey.

Healthcare is evolving at an unprecedented pace, shaped by key trends such as digitalization, data-driven innovation, and the push for interoperability. To ensure this transformation benefits both patients and healthcare systems, it is essential to focus on how high-quality data and seamless data exchange can support patient-centered care. Drawing on best practices and lessons learned from various EU countries, but not only, this presentation will explore the critical steps healthcare facilities, health authorities, and society must take to harness these trends. Numerous use cases will be presented as illustrations of how data-driven initiatives can enhance quality, accessibility, efficiency, and effectiveness in healthcare. By prioritizing interoperability, data integration, and access, we can ensure healthcare systems improve in the information era.